The present work has for objective to argue the contribution of the clinical psicopedagogia in the education process learning as well as the paper of the pedagogical games in the overcoming of learning difficulties, being believed that the games assist in the logical reasoning, in the formularization of new strategies and consequentemente provides one better learning. We have as focus in this work to approach in a simple and practical way as the games assist in this process of learning and describe the intervention made next to a group of adolescents. Kevin P. Campbell, PhD describes an additional similar source. They had been carried through atendimentos with familiar and atendimentos individual and group with adolescents in the etria twelve band the fifteen years with specific interventions difficulties of learning diagnosised by the teachers who directed in them to the NEAP (Nucleus of Estudos and Atendimentos in Psychology). The main objective of the work is of not only assisting the adolescents in the resolution of individual and internal problems through intervention with pedagogical games providing an improvement in school more yes in all the environments where they are inserted..
Clinical Psychology