27 Apr

reason to talk about it today Lic GERMAN LOPEZ SUAREZ First, insurance let me thank the Bogotana Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as the Health With Prevention Association and in particular to Dr. Gabriel Acuna, the honor of sharing with you some reflections on contraception in adolescence. We could argue that today, it is clear to everyone the fact the need to talk, to accept and provide the means for teenage girls and boys of our country have access to knowledge and use of contraceptive methods, even before their first -coital sex. But the reality is different, because the diversity of adult conceptions about sexuality and health, is responsible for creating real barriers that hinder or prevent access to contraception by young people. I will try to present arguments in favor of contraception in adolescence, taking into account the main arguments that have served to defend the cause of teenage girls and boys. From the Demographic: From the demographic standpoint, the logical effect of a life-coital unprotected sex in the young, will result in an increase in the number of teenage pregnancies, and their subsequent contribution to growth of population . It says’ and the statistics show “that early pregnancy tends to lead the young to breed a larger number of children and a smaller spacing between them, which helps hospital to raise the general fertility rate of population growth . Although its impact on population growth can not be seen immediately and the proportion of births to adolescents do not have to mean magnitude needed alarming increases. The high growth Health insurance in both absolute and relative terms, the group of teenagers in the last decades, has become more evident, and has meant that, even at the lower fertility in the country, the number of children of adolescent women is very large . A fact that more easily perceive who are working in delivery rooms in clinics and hospitals. specializes in affordable plans that facilitate access to quality healthcare services objective is to deliver and design a lower cost alternative which allows individuals and families to have access to high quality healthcare Colombia is one of the third world countries with the greatest advances in population and has reduced fertility rates. So for example we went from a total fertility rate (number of children per woman throughout her reproductive life) of 7 children per woman in 1965 to 2.6 in 2000. But the best indicator that shows the status of the population between 15 and 19 years of age is the age specific fertility rate (number of annual births per 1,000 women in different age groups). This indicator has dropped the last 15 years for the age groups of adult women, but in adolescents has increased by 12 , according to data from the last ENDS-2000, the results will be presented soon by PROFAMILIA. Likewise, contrasts the fact that at present, adolescents and young women have greater access to education, school retention rates have also increased progressively as well as access to health services, which are factors that are truly protective against pregnancy and early motherhood. But the reality is contrary and reflected in the NSDS-2000 that the percentage of pregnant teens who have ever been mothers increased in the period 1995 to 2000 going from 17.4 to 19.1 . From the Economy: It’s true that the event of a few pregnancies may not represent a significant economic cost to an institution or for the State.

Skin Diseases Dermatitis

26 Apr

Skin zabolevaniyDermatity – inflammatory skin reaction in response to environmental stimuli. Distinguish between contact dermatitis and drug reaction. Contact dermatitis occur under the direct influence of impact of external factors on the skin, past drug reaction initially penetrate into the internal environment. Dermatitis: etiology and pathogenesis. Stimuli, conditional dermatitis, have physical, chemical or biological nature. The so-called obligate stimuli cause a simple (artificial artefitsialny) dermatitis in everyone. These include friction, pressure, radiation and temperature effects (see Burns and Frostbite), acids and alkalis, some plants (nettles, fraxinella, acrid buttercup, euphorbia, etc.).

Optional irritants cause inflammation of the skin only in individuals with heightened sensitivity to them: there is an allergic (Sensibilizatsionny) dermatitis. Number of elective stimuli (sensitizers) that cause dermatitis is enormous and constantly growing. Greatest practical significance of these salts are chromium, nickel, cobalt, formalin, turpentine, resins, medicines, detergents, cosmetics, perfumery items, insecticides, some plants (primrose, aloe, tobacco, snowdrop, geraniums, garlic, etc.). The pathogenesis of simple dermatitis reduces to the direct damage to skin tissues. Therefore, the clinical manifestations of a simple dermatitis and its flow is determined by strength (concentration), duration of exposure and the nature of the stimulus, and lesion skin (dermatitis) occurs immediately or shortly after the first contact with an irritant, and the area of destruction strongly corresponds to the area of contact. Treatment of dermatitis reduces simply to remove the stimulus, caused it.

The basis of allergic dermatitis is monovalent skin sensitization. Sensitizers causing allergic dermatitis are typically haptens. Connecting with the proteins of skin, they form conjugates with complete allergens, which are influenced by stimulated lymphocytes, which is responsible for the development of sensibilizatsionnogo dermatitis as a delayed reaction. A huge role in the mechanism sensitization are individual characteristics of the organism: the state of the nervous system (including autonomic), genetic predisposition, transferred and comorbidities (including athlete’s foot), the state water-lipid mantle of the skin, as well as the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.


7 Apr

We often hear the word “nutraceuticals” and did not understand its meaning in our lives. What is it? These are the same biologically active additives that enrich the products to improve their nutritional value. Because even good Supplements discredited by unscrupulous sellers, experts have introduced a new term “nutraceuticals” stressing that they, like drugs, clinical trials and meet the quality standards adopted in modern pharmacology. Among nutraceuticals – vitamins, fatty acids, some minerals and trace elements – calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, iodine, fluorine, amino, mono-and disaccharides, food fiber (cellulose, pectins). That is the substance in which the body needs daily, but do not always receive. Nutraceuticals as drugs in clinical trials and pharmacological meet quality standards. Experts recommend taking supplements, nutraceuticals for the prevention of premature aging and development of “age” of disease.

Determine which substances do not have enough your body will help a special analysis. These important for our health matter can be bought at a pharmacy or health food stores or obtained from fruits and vegetables. Short examples: * Allicin – found in garlic and different kinds of onion, including ordinary bulb. Reduces “Bad” cholesterol, cleanses the body of carcinogens. In combination with selenium effectively prevents breast cancer, reduces blood clots, reduces the risk of heart attack. Enhances immunity. In large quantities can be reduce blood clotting, so those who are already taking drugs, anticoagulants, caution is needed. Dosage: 2-3 cloves garlic or half a cup finely chopped onions (fresh or browned) per day. * Betaine – biologically active substance found in sugar beet.

ATC Code A11

4 Apr

ATC code A11 (Redirected from ATC code A11) or ATC Code Classification System Anatomical, Therapeutic Chemical (ATC stands for Anatomical, Therapeutic, Chemical classification system) is an index of pharmacological substances and drugs, organized by therapeutic groups . This system was instituted by the World Health Organization, and has been adopted in Europe. The code covers the organ or system on which it acts, the pharmacological effects, therapeutic indications and the drug’s chemical structure. ATC code A11 is a section of the ATC classification system into group A, drugs for digestive system and metabolism..