
22 May

It was discovered by Olof Swartz in 1799. You have two possible origins of its name first, it derives from the Greek word kumbos, meaning hole, cavity in reference to the shape of the base. According to other specialist boat comes from the Greek Kimbe = by the way that takes the labello. It is one of the orchids in the world most popular and coveted by its beautiful flowers. These plants have been cultivated since thousands of years, particularly in ancient China. The Cymbidium became popular in Europe during the Victorian era.

One of the reasons that makes it so popular is that you can survive at low temperatures (does 7? C or 45? F approx.). He is favorite of fans since it allows hobbyists in temperate climates being that it can flourish in the winter, when few other orchids do. Only a few Cymbidium species are raised in nurseries, due to the popularity of hybrids. Most can only be found in botanical gardens or in their natural habitat. The Cymbidium require plenty of water. Sprinkle generously every 2-3 days since May and in the summer months until September.

During the winter months water once a week and never when it rains or is about to rain. Water thoroughly until water runs out of the pot. If your plant appears dark green leaves: means that it receives ample shade, moving the plant to where you can receive more light in the morning and shade in the afternoon. The pale yellow leaves and / or black spots especially on the curvature of the blade: your plant is getting too much sun. Place it in a gloomier place. The light provides more green leaves: is ideal. You are receiving the amount of adequate light. You must give the flowers this year.

Psychologists Organism

19 May

The work of the Epistemlogo of Piaget is, without a doubt some, one of the main contributions to the agreement of as the human being if it develops. Its studies, together with collaborators, in the Center of Genetic Epistemologia of Geneva had had, and have still, a deep influence on Psychologists, Pedagogos and Educadores in general and the agreement of the main results for it gotten is basic, so that the teaching activity is really productive and efficient. A basic concept inside of the piagetiana theory is of balance: the organisms livings creature would be always in search of the balance. From the notion of balance between organism and way a triad of concepts appears in the piagetiana theory that are basic and from which all the too much concepts of the theory are derived. It is understood for assimilation as being a mental process for which if they incorporate data of the experiences to the action projects to the existing operatrios projects. It is a movement of integration of the way in the organism.

It is understood for room as being a mental process for which the existing systems go to modify themselves in function of the experiences of the way. It is a movement of the organism in the direction of if submitting to the exterior requirements, adjusting it the way. To the process of regulation between assimilation and room of – the name of equelibrao. These are interactivos, therefore the fact of the citizen to integrate the data of the way and these to be assimilated allows that the projects evolve and that, therefore, they are capable to answer to the problem. Mental activities exist where it has a predominance of the assimilation (symbolic game) and others where it has a predominance of the room (imitation). ‘ is justified in one terms; ‘ abstraco reflexiva’ ‘ interioriza the dialctico process, through which the human being grows, if socializes, knows and if autodetermina (the knowledge cannot be treated as a fact but yes as a process).

Code Treatment

18 May

Not only for administrative and clinical ends, the surgeon-dentist must register all the pertinent acts to its relationship with the patient, but, also, to supply subsidies its defense in possible demands judicial. With the creation of Law N. 8078, 11/09/1990 (Code of the Consumer) and for the access to the information each time more facilitated, the people are clienter of its rights as consuming, being this reality observed in the relationships Surgeon-Dentist (Supplying) and Patient (Consuming). In this relation, the Code of the Consumer foresees the possibility to attribute the responsibility of the test to the supplier, in this in case that to the professional, whenever necessary (art. 6., VIII of the CDC).

From there, the importance of Surgeon-Dentist to carefully elaborate and to keep to the documentation of all the pertinent steps to the treatment, duly warned to see its defense in judgment engaged. Since the first contact with the patient, when made anamnese and delineated the treatment to be carried through, surgeon-dentist must describe the clinical conditions of the patient, as well as, all the acts that compose the treatment, with respective risks, honorary, mode of payment, beyond a forecast for the conclusion of the service; everything duly signed by both the parts. He must clarify the responsibilities of one and another one in the course of the treatment and, in such a way, elaborate the contract of rendering of services, clinical fiche, examinations, x-rays, everything what he understands the odontolgica documentation that is the most valuable instrument of defense that the professional has to defend itself in administrative legal actions and. The responsibility is an obligation to assume the legal consequncias of a fact. In the Civil liability, the agent who committed a tort, is obliged to repair the damage (art. 927 of the Civil Code). If the professional to infringe the norms and protocols of biossegurana, for example, and of this, to result a damage to the patient, the example of the crossed infection, could be made responsible for this odontolgico error, with the consequent obligation to indemnify the injured one.


14 May

The measures taken by these two companies are alternative to lately the too habitual ERE s, since not only they are voluntary at least, theoretically, but they give to the employee expectations certain to continue in future, within three years in Nissan, and between three and five years in BBVA. exists other possibilities within this new tendency of relaxation of the labor relation. As Lawyers comment from the office of Sagardoy, an option is the one of to distribute a job for two people, who would happen to work average day with a reduction of proportional pay and the commitment to return to the original situation in three or four years. This feasible in is determined jobs for example, office staff, call-centers a less habitual, but usable option in these times of crisis, would be the one to agree to between company and worker permissions nonrepaid, so that, for example, the employee takes a pair of months of vacations at the cost of their wage. he issue. Perhaps it is not a too good alternative for the worker (in this time of crisis, more than ever, all the money counts), but is the option that are so that the company can be heaving the weather, perhaps some workers they accept. They can take advantage of that period to form, or even to look for another use. Countries like Germany, whose rate of unemployment has remained quite stable in spite of the crisis, the slope of pays has become a quite common practice with reduction of working hours in exchange for conserving the use. In any case, all these measures either other that can be taken would have to put in practice analyzing also another options, since not always it must be the worker the one that pays broken plates, especially when in many cases the percentage of labor costs on the total is very small. For example, if we suppose that the labor costs are 5% of the total costs, a slope of 20% in the pays would only save a 1% of the total cost. In addition, he must see itself generally, within a set of directed measures to secure the viability of the company, a simple cut of wages must have something more, and the workers must know which is the plan of the company, not to feel demotivated, but quite the opposite.