Pharmaceutical Assistance

26 Jun

This proposal, with the focus in the promotion of the quality of life and intervention in the risk factors the health, allows to the acurada identification and one better accompaniment of the diabetic and hipertensos individuals. This accompaniment is made through the pharmaceutical attention (PAIVA et al, 2006). Although the Pharmaceutical Attention is not specific for an exclusive etria band, it has a bigger concern with the aged ones. The present polimedicao in almost all the lapsings for aged can imply in serious consequences for this patient. A time that has alterations in the farmacocinticos and farmacodinmicos processes, intervening with process of metabolization of the frmacos and consequently being able to occur problems of relative toxicidade the frmacos. The adverse reactions and medicamentosas interactions also are frequent. The adhesion to the treatment also prescribed is not a serious problem to be notified, therefore it displays the patient to a risk bigger of hospitalization and morbidade. Therefore the exerted farmacoteraputico accompaniment in the pharmaceutical assistance is indispensable for these patients (LAMB et al., 2005).

A research carried through in Porto Alegre in the year of 2005, disclosed that 91% of the aged ones make use of some frmaco, being that interviewed 27% of the aged ones had a polifarmacoterapia with five or more medicines. To this, the chronic illnesses and the physical limitations can compromise its ability to use the medicine, diminishing the adhesion to the farmacolgico treatment. Based on the assistance the health of the aged one a relation between user-druggist is evidenced, in what it refers to the correct and rational use of medicines and practical of the pharmaceutical assistance (the FLOWERS et al. , 2005) Determined resources they can identify the not-tack to the treatment, as srico control of the frmacos, tablet counting, comment of appearance of adverse reactions, evaluation of the lapsings, posolgico planning to facilitate to the use of medicines for the aged patient and referring questionnaires to the rational medicine use and the farmacoteraputico accompaniment (ROCK et al., 2008). The comprometimento of the druggist next to one has equipped to multidiscipline with informative and educative lectures aiming at the promotion of the quality of life of the patient, being basic part, through its methodology, to guarantee rational medicine use and correct and satisfactory farmacoteraputico accompaniment for the medicine users (ROCK et al., 2008). 4.CONCLUSO the public net has a great demand of medicine distribution, this contributes in a negative way for the adhesion to the treatment, mainly in what it says respect to the aged ones, information this that confirm given of the Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry that discloses that almost 50% of the Brazilian population do not have access to the medicine due to economic resources. Difficulties to the access the medicines in ambulatorial level, either for the medicine lack or the lack of quality or the use irrational, still more raise the number of internments for the worsening of the clinical picture that could be treated in the clinic preventing unnecessary expenses (PEREZ et al., 2008). The Pharmaceutical Attention and the Pharmaceutical Assistance become indispensable for the understanding and the adhesion of the user to the treatment

The Population

19 Jun

Seated, hearing the priest to speak. He started a fear, a fear to faint. I started to sweat, my head started to twirl, I was idiot, I held in the bank, seemed that it went to fall. There I raised and I was even so I felt very, much fear. Fear to feel fear, fear of multitude, fear of speaking in public. As today exactly, that I had an event, and I was not, because I trembled with fear alone in thinking about you in this event.

In the interview, we perceive in the story of the patient who when crisis in the church happened 1, great part of repudiated it to the population speaking that they were on malignant things to the side spiritual of the same one. This disturbed it as much that until today it does not frequent the church which happened its 1 crisis. Another important moment was when the interviewed one mentioned that in the day of interview it would have an event important and alone to think already was tremendous, that is a consequence of antecipatrias crises. This fact reaffirms what it meets in the literature, that generally the patient one passes constantly for a psychological pressure of proper ' ' eu' ' , That is, if it charges trying demasiadamente to hinder that the crises occur, without perceiving that when suffering from these antecipatrias crises it premakes use the panic crises. Thus, we verify that, the carrying patient of the S.P has full conscience that is sick and that needs aid (treatment). The patient very suffers when thinking constantly on its way to act, mainly after the crises, however she does not obtain to control the symptoms. As some stories in literature the panic crises are indescritveis and perhaps the worse one of the psychic and organic experiences that somebody can try. This posthumous suffering is what it is called of ' ' depression after-crise' ' according to some scholars in the subject.

Famous Psychologist

17 Jun

finally, this famous psychologist still explains that the children also feel pleasure – orgasmo -, had mainly to the sensations that the tato provides. Coming back my passion for Melania, everything had a tragic end, according to my judgment at the time, it was transferred of school after to be kissed the force for a called boy Fbio, but beyond cimes it left what me more furious he was that although the boy to have motivated the transference of the girl, the direction of the school punished with a simple warning, while in the corridors was cogitated that managing Mrs. was familiar of the boy infractor. In my life I for the first time had hatred in the heart, that I relieved to the prantos with my mother. It fits to interrupt the narration to stand out that after to be married Rose, was born my cousin Itallo, the first son of Ito, that since teeny already was become attached mim.7 well. Chapter VI – Dindinha the matriarca of famliDindinha was my great-grandmother, it was anci more glad and smart that already I knew, although ours rinchas. It all had accomplices for the quarter, people who covered its vices and pranks.

While new, she was very rich and it alleged that my Agapito grandfather wanted to take everything what he was of it, but for irony of the destination, its children of Salvador its good was who took all, and it one finished going to live in the house of my grandmothers reason nor to another wanted it son. Also called Clear Owner, although to be descending of Italians, it loved the local culture, it danced forr, it chewed tobacco and it ingested alcoholic beverage. It ate the entire day and when some visit in the house of my grandmothers arrived, it spoke that nobody had given to nothing pra to it to eat, hated to take bath being needed to be fiscalized in the questions of personal hygiene, therefore most of the time only it wet the feet and it alleged already to have bathed.

Efficient Solution

16 Jun

The conductive company creates a billing program online for freelancers and small businesses that allows savings of time and money FacturDirecta is the web application that has created the Conductiva company, with the aim of providing a significant improvement in business management for self-employed workers and small businesses. In times of crisis like the current in that reducing costs is one of the top priorities of any company, Conductiva has brought to market an innovative proposals that allows small employers manage agile and comfortable all the billing, create budgets, control maturities, control costs and manage the data of customers and suppliers. Save time and money, being able to easily access bills from anywhere, maximum security and confidentiality of information available and always use the most current version of the program are the main advantages of FacturDirecta. A service low cost, easy and intuitive operation asking does not install anything on the computer, already It can be controlled from the Internet. FacturDirecta is born with the objective of responding to freelancers and small companies faced with the impossibility of having the same large enterprises accounting programs.

Typically small businesses use the word or excel to perform your bills, two applications little suitable for this use and which can lead to disadvantages as duplication of documents or security in the storage of these problems. FacturDirecta is also informed in the armour of security and in compliance with the data protection law (LOPD) to overcome the mistrust that can arouse users have saved in Internet billing. The cost of the service adapts to the needs of the client, so that a standalone can use the free version if you have a volume low monthly bills, but always can contract a version of payment with more capacity if it increases the turnover. More information at: BlogRoll Tip saving Iprint I 10 printer tips for saving energy in the day World of the Earth Estereofonica EU Fucsia Blog Archive Jennifer Aniston to launch perfume FENALCO Lance alert by money-laundering trade Bogota and Colombia news Transmitter Radio Santa Fe 1070 am live Monotributo: higher categories shall submit declaration from June inforafaela.

Autism and the Environment

10 Jun

The importance given to the environment as probable .causing factor of the TEA she is small between the scientists, although the existing treatments most effective currently this upheaval to involve the manipulation of ambient contingencies. Sundberg (2004) seems to support itself more in the hypothesis of that the autismo is multicaused by interactions between genetic 0 variable, biological and ambient. However, for some analysts of the behavior (Drash & Tudor, 2004; Ferster, 1961; Malott, the 2004) TEA would be better described as an upheaval that is shaped by contingencies of verbal behaviors whose beginning if would give, in general way, during the first year of life. These authors formulate its theories concerning the etiology of the TEA based on the hypothesis of that this upheaval if develops entirely under the action of specific and completely identifiable contingencies of reinforcing. Ferster (1961) standed out that the disruptive behaviors of an individual with TEA can be kept by the effect in its parents or cuidadores, because they function as aversivo stimulaton that can be discontinued case the cuidador it it supplies a stiffener one. still, it observed that these aversivos behaviors, with passing of the time, probably will be fortified by continuous reinforcing and will predominate on other appropriate behaviors for the age where the child if finds. Following the same line of thought, Drash and Tudor (2004) they base its mannering theory of the TEA in six paradigms of contingencies that would explain the sprouting of the characteristic behaviors of this upheaval: 1) Reinforcing of the verbal behavior of aversivo vocal control, such as to cry or to cry out, or other behaviors of avoidance that can be incompatible with the acquisition of appropriate verbal behaviors for the age; 2) Reinforcing of the verbal behavior of gesticulatrio control and other forms of not-vocal mandos; 3) Anticipation of necessities of the child and consequence reinforcing of a not-responsive repertoire that hinders the reinforcement of vocal and not-vocal mandos; 4) Extinguishing of verbal behaviors; 5) Interaction between factors organic, or vain organic, and mannering factors; 6) Not-suppression of disruptive behaviors and insufficience in establishing instrucional control verbal initial.

External Haemerrhoids

10 Jun

Suffer external hemorrhoids is very seldom, because in most cases they are internal, and to detect arises a desperation on the part of the patient, as a wound so painful that you limited in some actions. For this reason, it is important to know treatments for external hemorrhoids. First, do not get discouraged if you don’t find solutions at your fingertips, there are always many ways to give a good treatment to your problem, such as these: at the beginning don’t let that scare you hemorrhoids nor that you enloquezcan, because you have terrible symptoms due to its location, which is usually below the dentate line, and it possesses a great innervation that any stimulus causes a tremendous pain in the area. If the symptoms become too intense you becomes practically impossible to reach pharmacies to buy some analgesic, can fill water into a tub large with some ice cubes, as you can also cover the ice in a clean cloth, but remember never to do front contact with hemorrhoids. When you feel able to perform movements without pain, can also find numerous antidotes in nearby boticas: Vasoconstrictors: it is a good treatment for external hemorrhoids, decreases the dilation of the pads causing its descent and a better passage of the accumulated blood that causes these lesions; people suffering from high blood pressure should not use these drugs to produce a synergy to his illness that can even cause death. Corticosteroid: Reduces inflammation in a very quick way, and realize not to buy those containing cortisone, weakens the walls of the hemorrhoids exposing that these may be broken. Astringents: Are drugs that help to cure hemorrhoids, decreasing their symptoms much giving relief fast.

Surgical treatments: find: sclerotherapy: introduction of chemicals for hemorrhoid tissue degeneration. Photocoagulation laser or infrared rays: burn hemorrhoids with use of appliances. Cryotherapy: Freeze the hemorrhoid to remove them.

Peruvian Mentality

9 Jun

If I see two ladies, besuqueando with the same man at the same time, what I think of them? The gentleman in question was none other than Congressman Rolando Sousa. I don’t know if the Lord will be married, unmarried, widowed or divorced; But what if, is that a show of this nature, cannot give it a Congressman in the nation. But that is the mentality of the Peruvian, and if that Peruvian comes to power, that his reaction will be. I am quite sure, that if we make a survey at the national level to ordinary people, and we asked him what is the specific function of Congress? Wouldn’t answer. And is the main news that Congressmen generated are: sentimental scandals, transfuguismos, influence peddling, personal discussions between themselves, etc.

But never a story that says: it passed a law that will revolutionise the country in a positive way (revolution in the best sense of the word) that mentality that inculcate our children be alive, known, telling them that if you do not you do it, another will do, don’t that mentality of wanting to take advantage itself to every circumstance of our lives, be perceived as a jerk is what is manifested in all its dimension when that person arrives in any public office, and handles power within the State Government of a country. We are painfully aware that candidates with more economic power, are those who have more opportunity to reach out to people, with their lies and fights among them. Candidates who with his money and that of others, may make millions of dollars election campaigns, to use his brutal demagoguery against us. Candidates who arrive to power surprisingly charge everything invested. Candidates who in the recesses of your subconscious, bear the stamp of children marked for life: you’re not perceived as a jerk, you have to be alive, you have to be able to succeed in life. And to finish this article, I want to make us a question, very apart from this painful reality, but I think that if you have relationship with all this: in the countries that have achieved a high technological level, as United States and Japan, are you interested in football? Does has it served them of something in their technological development, put his interest in that sport?