If the rights are intended to ensure that individuals can achieve the ends they choose and that is needed for their development as human beings, a list of appropriate rights must be based on the needs then. Examining the Convention, what we find is a list of rights which is mentioned from the right to life, identity, freedom of expression, association, or thought, social security, up to “an adequate standard of living for their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social.” Many of these rights are common to children and adults and the only difference is that more security should be established for the children to exercise. The consideration of the characteristics and the situation of children has changed noticeably over time and across societies. From the point of view we are dealing with the child has gone from being considered a property of parents to be a social good that can not be subjected to the treatment they want to give, whatever. These changes have been made in society are also linked to decreased infant mortality and declining birth rates in Western countries so that children are becoming a scarce commodity that must be protected. We also understand your needs better development. But just because some are new and must be met in other ways, parents are not always able to meet those needs of children. The primary needs of the child, whose satisfaction is essential for their development and even for their survival, relate primarily to their physical needs: to receive food, clothing and have a minimum comfort, which includes rest and cleaning.
These requirements are relatively clear, because they are easily observable, and it is not difficult to agree on them. But today we also know that there are other needs that are equally important and relate to their wellbeing. Social demands are much higher and the living conditions are so difficult sometimes, despite how much we’ve increased our control of external reality that having a baby is something that requires much consideration before. Obviously that was not raised earlier because there was no possibility to select at what point I wanted to have a child. Before having a child asks whether people should have a house, if you have a job that allows you to power, if you find a school, if you can offer the stability, if you will be able to continue working mother, is not going to alter too much the habits of the house, etc.
Adults play a role in the development of the child because it is they who are producing situations so that development occurs in a harmonious way, it is they who will attend, which will stimulate and creating the conditions for physical, intellectual and social. To learn the child needs a supportive environment, coping with problems that can solve, and learn from the conflicts between their expectations and what happens. But to help you go beyond it is the adults who are around and talked about the metaphor of “scaffolding”: scaffolding put adults to encourage or facilitate the construction that the boy must make for himself. Because, as the poet said: “You want to climb to the sky jock / bronze clarity of his dream. / But no wings. It shall bruise your hard, / and cry on his forehead girl.