History Of Vinegar

18 Mar

Vinegar (Latin vinum acrid and this became old French vinaigre, sour wine), is a liquid that is miscible with sour flavor that comes from the acetic fermentation of the wine and Apple (via bacteria Mycoderma aceti). Vinegar contains a concentration ranging from 3% to 5% acetic acid in water. Natural Vinegars also contain small amounts of tartaric acid, and citric acid. Today vinegar is one of the products most disseminated by the mundolan in really, today, are many shops where it is possible to buy vinegar. We are going to see a little bit of history about this amazing product: the use of vinegar in gastronomy is possible be linked at the beginning of the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. The first written testimony on the use of vinegar comes from the Roman Empire when the gourmet Apicio (contemporary of the Emperor Tiberius) and author of the oldest cookery book, called De re coquinaria in Western culture, the already listed recipes that employ vinegar.

The vinegar traditionally came from the barrels for the wine production that is agriaba, or became bad. The enological expression is: wine is stung, i.e. began to form vinegar. This was happening spontaneously well in a boot or is rising acidity the bottled wine, thus retreated and was used for vinegar. The specific phenomenon of the production of vinegar was not explained until the year 1864. Since this date the use of oil has been developed so far. As we have seen the vinegar you have many jobs.

The main is in the gastronomy: the vinegar is mainly used together with oil for seasoning vegetables and vegetables in salads. Vinegar is a key piece in the pickles, Marinades and pickles, is used as a preservative since it slows down the effects of food rot. Usually used Vinegars flavored with various herbs, such as dill, tarragon, Rosemary and thyme; There are also those of garlic. Another very interesting job is that medicinal: vinegar has some medicinal properties due to its acidity for example acts well against swelling of the skin caused by the bite of certain insects, if vinegar is applied in the zone that stung the insect.