Skin zabolevaniyDermatity – inflammatory skin reaction in response to environmental stimuli. Distinguish between contact dermatitis and drug reaction. Contact dermatitis occur under the direct influence of impact of external factors on the skin, past drug reaction initially penetrate into the internal environment. Dermatitis: etiology and pathogenesis. Stimuli, conditional dermatitis, have physical, chemical or biological nature. The so-called obligate stimuli cause a simple (artificial artefitsialny) dermatitis in everyone. These include friction, pressure, radiation and temperature effects (see Burns and Frostbite), acids and alkalis, some plants (nettles, fraxinella, acrid buttercup, euphorbia, etc.).
Optional irritants cause inflammation of the skin only in individuals with heightened sensitivity to them: there is an allergic (Sensibilizatsionny) dermatitis. Number of elective stimuli (sensitizers) that cause dermatitis is enormous and constantly growing. Greatest practical significance of these salts are chromium, nickel, cobalt, formalin, turpentine, resins, medicines, detergents, cosmetics, perfumery items, insecticides, some plants (primrose, aloe, tobacco, snowdrop, geraniums, garlic, etc.). The pathogenesis of simple dermatitis reduces to the direct damage to skin tissues. Therefore, the clinical manifestations of a simple dermatitis and its flow is determined by strength (concentration), duration of exposure and the nature of the stimulus, and lesion skin (dermatitis) occurs immediately or shortly after the first contact with an irritant, and the area of destruction strongly corresponds to the area of contact. Treatment of dermatitis reduces simply to remove the stimulus, caused it.
The basis of allergic dermatitis is monovalent skin sensitization. Sensitizers causing allergic dermatitis are typically haptens. Connecting with the proteins of skin, they form conjugates with complete allergens, which are influenced by stimulated lymphocytes, which is responsible for the development of sensibilizatsionnogo dermatitis as a delayed reaction. A huge role in the mechanism sensitization are individual characteristics of the organism: the state of the nervous system (including autonomic), genetic predisposition, transferred and comorbidities (including athlete’s foot), the state water-lipid mantle of the skin, as well as the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.