Survey on the topic of bulbs: ‘What replaced the conventional incandescent lamp’? Empty, April 26, 2011 LED lamps are among the ELV customers of a high level of acceptance as a replacement to the conventional incandescent lamp. This resulted in a survey of more than 2,000 visitors of the ELV webshop (, which was conducted over the trend barometer of electronic mail-order company. Nearly half of all respondents stated this, that they deem the best alternative LED bulbs. Thus the ELV customers in the environmental awareness are far ahead the market, because a similar study by Emnid found that the majority of users want to use the little eco-friendly mercury-containing lamps in the future. Up to the year 2012, the conventional incandescent lamp will disappear gradually from the store shelves. For the 60-watt version is already in the autumn of this year.
Many suppliers do alternatives already in its portfolio. Recently, as the ELV shipping House presented the LEDON LED lamp as a novelty in their lighting resources offer. You characterized in particular through their eco-friendly led technology without secretions from UV radiation, as well as the long life span of up to 25 years. In addition, energy savings are possible with her by up to 85%. Halogen lamps make light the advantages of LED technology are for the customers of shipping on the hand. To prove her flair for an eco-friendly and energy-saving lighting and are already far ahead of the trend, which is long term looming in the mass market. As answer to the question, what light bulbs they see as an alternative to the incandescent bulb, around 49% of 2096 participants responded that they give preference to LED bulbs. Just 28% want to, however, create a stockpile of conventional light bulbs, while they are still available. Only about 16% rely on conventional energy-saving bulbs. The ECO halogen lamps, however, find little acceptance that just 7% want to rely in the future on this alternative.