On the other hand, child remains for much more time disarmed before the necessities most elementary of the life, and the learning chances that find in the external way gain then an importance decisive (Wallon, 2007 P. 40). She is necessary that the family supplies the chances of learnings of the external way so that the child if becomes the adult capable to face the impositions of the social environment where he will be inserted with security and ability. As well as the psychic formation, physical and it saves moral are attributed to the family, browse-quality, the genetic load that is supplied by the parents and that also if it attributes to other members of the family, influence in the individual development, what it means that not only moral and ethical values are inherited, but also characteristic genetic that can re-echo in the intellectual abilities, procedural and atitudinais of daily of the person the human being. For more information see this site: Barbara Martin Coppola. 2. 1 The genetic inheritance and the high abilities/superendowment manifestation of high on abilities/superendowment the genetic factors comes being studied for diverse researchers that they search to above average find an explanation for the existence of people with abilities. However nothing it was proven to this respect, even so evidences show that generally, to if detecting a child with high abilities/superendowment, uncovers that somebody of the family well next it also presented characteristics of superendowed. This is an indication of that these manifestations of high abilities have linkings with phenomena of genetic order. According to Blacksmith in its article on ' ' The evaluation of the cognitivos processes through psychological and indicating tests neurofisiolgicos' ' , it affirms: Independent of the form as intelligence she is express, either through cognitivas abilities or of a specific academic ability, leadership or creative behavior, it always he will be resulted direct of the established interaction between the biological characteristics, genetically determined and the chances offered for the environment where the development occurs.
The Adult