Private individuals – family Schomer – press zugusten of the children’s Hospice Barenherz in Wiesbaden Wachtersbach (hop) a horsemen fundraiser. The initiative by Ingrid and Horst Schomer shows that individual people can properly move what. Their fundraiser at the Burgerhaus Wachtersbach, which was supported by the GNZ, was terrific, and numerous music groups, clubs, private initiatives, singers, dancers and soloists have participated enthusiastically. Numerous helpers made it possible that here from sales, donations, and donations around 13 000 euros could be taken. All donations collected by the pair, who donated proceeds from sales and donations, everything goes to 100 percent of the children’s Hospice Barenherz in Wiesbaden, which are also responsible for children from our region. Currently there are nationwide only three children hospices, their ultimate aim of which is, uncurable children and their family warmth and security, skilled care, give care and comfort, and that until the death and for the Nationals in addition. The motto is: \”Sterbenskranken children to allow a decent farewell from life and the long-suffering parents advice, relief, assistance and comfort to give\”, Hilmar Borsing, the Chairman of the Board of the bear Heart Foundation.
To meet the claim, the hospices depend strongly on donations, because only a portion of the expenses are financed by the maintenance record. The children’s Hospice Barenherz was awarded for this excellent support 2008 Bambi media prize. Ute Buschl, who accompanied their little girl until the farewell at the Wiesbaden Hospice, is a kind of Ambassador of the Hospice today and so she came and reported from the perspective of a person concerned, how incredibly important are such facilities in such a situation. What Schomers here have put on the legs, what so everything went down and how enthusiastically made the audience in the full House, they have reached impresed, both as recognition of a gold pin. She got for their heartfelt words a bouquet of flowers.