
5 May

Solenoid (solenoid) valve is an electromechanical device which when applying or removing power opens or closes the flow area of the valve. It is designed to control air flow water, oil, gas, steam – practically any liquid or gas. Valve selection begins with a discussion of what type of operational best meets the needs of this application. Direct acting open or close the flow areas through direct exposure to the core, control valves (pilot operated) for larger pipe lines or higher pressure increase is a direct action Using the most pressure working environment, to open a larger flow area, while maintaining the small size of the electromagnet. Normally closed valves are opened, when they were energized and closed when the power goes off, normally open valves in reverse order. Two-way solenoid valves have one inlet and one outlet pipe connection and can be normally open or closed.

Three-way valves have three connections and two walk-through section, and may be normally open, normally closed or universal (can be used either as normally open, or normally closed). Common areas of application include alternating pressure and vacuum supply to control valves, single acting cylinders or actuators of automatic control. Four-way valves use four or five pipe connections (one for supply pressure, two for the cylinder, one or two dilution) to ensure the work cylinder double acting actuators or automatic control. Common uses and problems. Solenoid valve is the most effective means of automatic flow control in the case of many liquids and gases.

Industrial Safety In Cities

8 Jan

Industrial safety is the foundation for a successful and, most importantly, safe operation of the enterprise operating in the course of its business hazardous production facilities. Industrial Safety is really important for those businesses who seek constructive activities in all areas and are aware of the degree of responsibility to society as a whole and the people who work for the benefit of enterprise. Industrial safety to avoid accidents and their consequences, and, therefore, to maintain health and life of society and every individual. Most businesses today are concentrated in megacities. And people living in close proximity to businesses, very concerned about the safety of industrial enterprises, because everyone wants to be sure that the state ensures its security. There is a special law "On industrial safety of dangerous industrial objects", namely it is the legal basis for the operation of hazardous production facilities. Regulates and monitors essential requirements specified in the law, . In addition, the authority shall issue a special organization license to conduct the examination of industrial safety.

In one of these organizations and the need to ask if you need to make an examination of industrial safety at your facility. Note that this procedure is paid by the enterprise – customer. Industrial safety is important not only in order to successfully develop and implement an activity in accordance with the law, but also to enhance their status in the eyes of its partners and its own employees. After all, for people working directly on the dangerous manufacturing plant is extremely important, not only the conditions of their salaries, but also the conditions that created the company for their work. In this sense, industrial safety is the most important thing.