
13 Feb

Where we will identify as if it proceeds to its functioning during the aging process. Nervous system centralO central nervous system (SNC) suffers alterations as any system of the organism during the aging, many studies analyze the interference of the SNC in the functionality of the aged ones, when some factors are taken in consideration, such as the levels of activity, feeding, health and, over all loss of the functionality. As it affirms Kauffman (2001, P. 14), These alterations, by itself, do not generate incapacities, but its cumulative effect it can influence of significant form in the compensation capacity and of reaprendizado of the aged one, when a pathology specifies or illness created the functional loss. The chronic patologias and illnesses in this context of the author, can be characterized as determinative factor for aceleramento of the loss of functionality, associate to the normal and gradual comprometimento of the SNC during the aging process where if it observes a reduction in the weight and the thickness of the brain. Causing some alterations the visual and auditory systems, that intervene directly with the corporal balance, consequently compromising the march and facilitating to the propensity the falls in the aged individuals. The emotional alterations also are taken in consideration when it is about the functionality, thus representing a paper I specify in the SNC influencing in the increase or reduction of the cardiac frequency (FC) and of the arterial pressure (Par) (KAUFFMAN, 2001). Of this considered we can identify that emotional reactions intervene in acute way with the SNC and when enclosed in these relations fragile individuals as the aged ones, we can observe that you influence external to the systems, intervene thus causing alterations that accumulate consequences, compromising the lmbico system that is responsible for the control and modification of the emotions in the organism. The central nervous system receives stimulatons and possesss a nuclear complex of areas or masses where to the certainty not yet it is clearly its start and its end (KAUFFMAN, 2001).