
31 Aug

Do some surveys conducted by insurance companies in the market espa? ol, emphasize very striking results in some fields of insurance for cars. Do not s? try find the opinion? n of customers with respect to the prices of insurance for cars, but what are the preferences when choosing insurance or another. Do do the results of one of these surveys have allowed see c? mo a little m? s 45% of users have an all risk insurance and 54% takes your car insurance to third parties. This, sure, est? directly related to the different prices of insurance for cars that currently exist. Do do other data that has been obtained from other surveys highlight that the greater? of car owners are not spent m? s of 300 euros to the? or in the maintenance of the same. Another very curious fact is that ensures that nearly 80% of drivers est? in favour of not being able to smoke while driving; do do 21.7% confess that they only know the is? tr ales? fico m? s usual and 8.6% used the intermittent rarely. ?Qu? does happens with the issue of prices of insurance for cars? Apparently, do do these data are no longer so important for insurers since the competition is so strong that they know have that? Touchup? their rates constantly.