Generalized Anxiety Disorder

25 Jun

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a psychological condition that belongs to the family of anxiety disorders, psychological disorders are characterized by anxiety as a key element. People can develop anxiety disorder generalized at any age, with the condition that is two times more common in women than in men. There are a number of treatments that you can use to deal with this condition, depending on the specific characteristics of the patient. People with feelings of generalized anxiety experience constant disorder worry and anxiety that are not necessarily focused on one particular thing. They may feel as if they had to be constantly prepared for a disaster or catastrophe, of all kinds, from money to social situations. Some people develop panic attacks and other signs of severe stress, and these in turn can be a cause of anxiety, since the person may feel uncomfortable in public because she is worried about the development of an attack panic. Continue to learn more with: Dean Ornish M.D. In addition to anxiety, the patient also developed fatigue, insomnia, restlessness, impatience, sore head, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating and irritability.

For some patients, the level of anxiety can be relatively low, but in others, the generalized anxiety disorder causes a harmful level, which makes it difficult for the individual to live a normal and active life. If this persists for more than six months, the patient requires treatment. The diagnosis can be provided by a psychiatrist, who offers some treatment options. Several types of medications help with generalized anxiety disorder, on the other hand, there are remedies for anxiety of natural origin which in turn are beneficial to health. Psychotherapy can also help with generalized anxiety disorder. Sessions with a therapist helps the patient to arrive at the cause of the anxiety, and determine how to deal with situations and specific problems, such as the desire to be able to go out and socialize with friends and therefore, Learn how to control anxiety. Psychotherapy can be used as an alternative or complement to medication, depending on the patient and the treatment approach that the person requires.