External Haemerrhoids

10 Jun

Suffer external hemorrhoids is very seldom, because in most cases they are internal, and to detect arises a desperation on the part of the patient, as a wound so painful that you limited in some actions. For this reason, it is important to know treatments for external hemorrhoids. First, do not get discouraged if you don’t find solutions at your fingertips, there are always many ways to give a good treatment to your problem, such as these: at the beginning don’t let that scare you hemorrhoids nor that you enloquezcan, because you have terrible symptoms due to its location, which is usually below the dentate line, and it possesses a great innervation that any stimulus causes a tremendous pain in the area. If the symptoms become too intense you becomes practically impossible to reach pharmacies to buy some analgesic, can fill water into a tub large with some ice cubes, as you can also cover the ice in a clean cloth, but remember never to do front contact with hemorrhoids. When you feel able to perform movements without pain, can also find numerous antidotes in nearby boticas: Vasoconstrictors: it is a good treatment for external hemorrhoids, decreases the dilation of the pads causing its descent and a better passage of the accumulated blood that causes these lesions; people suffering from high blood pressure should not use these drugs to produce a synergy to his illness that can even cause death. Corticosteroid: Reduces inflammation in a very quick way, and realize not to buy those containing cortisone, weakens the walls of the hemorrhoids exposing that these may be broken. Astringents: Are drugs that help to cure hemorrhoids, decreasing their symptoms much giving relief fast.

Surgical treatments: find: sclerotherapy: introduction of chemicals for hemorrhoid tissue degeneration. Photocoagulation laser or infrared rays: burn hemorrhoids with use of appliances. Cryotherapy: Freeze the hemorrhoid to remove them.