Eucalipto And Beans

26 Apr

Eucalipto and beans: plantation consorsiado for the viabilizao of the implantation of agrofloresta in the ETEC ' ' Dr Jose Coury' ' , River of Rocks – SP. This work was executed during the year of 2010 the 2011, has the purpose to prove in the course of Forest qualification the behavior of the increment of the Eucaliptocultura in field, being had a gamma of material of two forms of propagation; the sexuada one and assexuada these methods of I propagate have as purpose, to give to support the comments techniques to be attempted against and considered as the ones that if survey in the adaptation in adverse environments, quality of the material, health, illnesses and plagues. Therefore we develop the plantation (Eucalipto with beans) in an area of 3860m2, Where they will totalize a plantation I contend 1,910 changes of Eucalipto, being E. Urophilla x E. Great (hybrid H-13 material), E. Paniculata, E. Citrodora, E. Cloeziana. Such changes of Eucalipto had received in the plantation polymer (Hidrogel) that it provides hidratao in the system to radicular and had been tutoradas with bamboo props to provide sustentation of the same one.