The spite to criticize the onslaughts of Drash and Tudor in direction to a mannering etiology of the TEA, all seems to agree to the possibility, necessity and utility of if taking in consideration the fact of that determined ambient contingencies they are responsible for keeping characteristically autistas behaviors, being based, then, in the premise of that these behaviors are sensible to its consequences. However, for these authors, this possibility only must be partially responsible for the explanation of the etiology of the autismo, has seen that the neurobiolgicos factors must compose the second half of the theory concerning the origin of the TEA. Operative verbal behavior and characterization of verbal the verbal behavior first were cited and explained under perspective of the Analysis of the Behavior for Skinner in 1957. The basic tool for inquiry of the verbal behavior is, thus, the proper functional analysis. The functional analysis of the behavior is, then, used to become fullfilled the description and manipulation of the relations between the events of a mannering contingency. For this boarding Analysis of the Behavior, therefore, the behavior is the study object that tries to inside describe of which definitive cirscunstncias (a) the individual answers of that form (r) and which consequncias if they follow to this reply, of form to keep it (c). Any changes in the circumstances, the reply or the consequncias, the relation, and therefore, the behavior will modify all. (Banaco, 1998, p.78) Delitti (1997) affirms that identifying the 0 variable and proving the contingencies that control the behavior, it is possible to raise hypotheses concerning the acquisition and maintenance of the repertoires mannering. This inquiry of as such behaviors had been strengthened and kept in the repertoire of the individual it must be carried through through the functional analysis of these behaviors and its relation with the environment. Of this form, Barros (2003) affirms that the verbal behavior follows the same principles of the too much operative mannering repertoires, that is, instrument of analysis the same used to examine behaviors not-verbal also must be used for the verbal repertoires.
The Functional